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jSlabify Now Supports Partial Pre-Slabbing




For those of you who don’t know, jSlabify is my jQuery plugin to create slabbed blocks of type, like the one seen above.  Until recently, there were two modes it could operate in, unslabbed and pre-slabbed.

In unslabbed mode, the plugin creates the rows of text, based on the size of the overall slab.  In pre-slabbed mode, the plugin looks for rows of text already defined with <span class=”slabbedtext”>, and then simply sizes the rows to fit.

Now there is a more flexible option, that allows the user to define sections of text to treat as a single row, and then automatically slabs the rest of the text to fit.  Simply wrap the text you want to be a single row in  the tag <span class=”slabbedtext”>, and jSlabify will do the rest.

I made a simple demo of the new partial slabbing, here.

The main demo can be found here, as always.

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