Like most of the world, I’ve spent the last few months playing Wordle religiously. It’s a fun way to spend a few minutes every morning, and whether it actually has any effect or not, it certainly feels like it helps me get my creative juices flowing. However, despite my addiction to Wordle, I found myself wanting more. I wanted a real challenge that involved more concurrent skills.
After a few weeks of feverish coding, GlideWords was born.
GlideWords is the bastard child of Boggle, Traffic Jam, and Countdown. It challenges your spatial reasoning skills, and vocab skills all while making you think around obvious distractions. It is also VERY HARD.
Here’s how it works:
- Each day, players get a new grid of five 5-letter words.
- Each word can be slid left and right to place a different letter in the central column. In addition, you can slide up and down to rotate the order of the words in the grid.
- The player gains points by arranging the board such that the central column of letters contains a five letter English word, read top to bottom.
- The player has five minutes to find as many words as possible. Words are classified as either “common” (green) or “bonus”(yellow). Your final score is calculated as: Number of common words found / total number of common words in puzzle, as a percent plus an additional 4% for every bonus word found.
If it sounds like fun, give it a shot! I warn you, getting a score of 100 is much harder than it seems.